©Christina Paone, Liz Harrington
Model - Christina Paone
Illustration by - Christina Paone
This t-shirt was tediously shredded (not joking, it takes about 3 hours to shred half a t-shirt). It usually works best with knit fabrics, since once you begin pulling the threads apart, they don't completely crumble. The top of the shirt is a sheer off-white material, just to hold the shredded mess up on your shoulders.
The most captivating thing about Molly Grad are her drawings. Most of them consists of basic lines, spattered colors, and overlap, giving them a feeling of transparency. Each line is drawn with precision and an extremity that can captivate you.
An illustration of hers can be seen here and another here.
Her use of pastel coloring adds just the right amount of color, and leaves the viewer with a feeling of whimsy.
Molly Grad's spring/summer 2010 fashion designs can be seen here.